tirsdag 12. mars 2013

How I grow lilies from seeds

I know that many who sow large amounts of lily seeds sow the seeds directly in the boxes that they grow the seedlings in the whole growing season or directly in the ground. But I transplant my seedlings and they grow big during the season and blooms the year after. Why do I do this? Yes, it is because I save space and I think it's nice to deal with my seedlings. They are no more than I am able to transplant them all within a week or so.
 I sow my lily seeds two times, asiatics and seeds I'm not sure if they will germinate in January, and trumpets and trumpets x OTs late January/ early February since they grow faster. All my seeds are sown in pots, one cross in each pot.

When the seedlings starts to get their first true leaf I start to give a weak dose of fertilizer in the water.
My experience are that when the seedling have one or more true leafs they survive when transplanted. I usually transplant my seedlings in April.
My seedlings are transplanted in these boxes.

After a few weeks I start to fertilize the seedlings but every year it seems that I give them too much fertilizer. In July the seedlings have many leafs and it's not easy to avoid getting fertilizer on the leafs.
In August/ September I bring the boxes out from the greenhouse to stop their growth and start going dormant.
After the leafs have died back I plant them out in the garden.